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Asbestos SMART key benefits for schools and MATs

Why not take a look at the key benefits Asbestos SMART can offer schools? We would also encourage you to watch our Asbestos SMART video and try out our sample QR code for yourself.


Please see the table below to compare the features available at different subscription levels.



Features & Benefits/Subscription Levels





Create a user account
Add organisation details
Add property details
Buy QR licence for property asbestos register
Create an asbestos register for a property via an online form
Upload a pdf. asbestos register for a property
Split a large property into seperate zones and asbestos registers
Buy QR licence for each seperate zone
Upload property documents for internal access
Upload property documents for public access
View usage report
Display single asbestos register on a sign
Display multiple asbestos registers on a sign
Download free pdf. asbestos management notice or buy laminated sign
Create additional users with permissions to view or manage accounts
Create seperate portfolios of properties within a single organisation and select who can manage them

To find out more please visit our Asbestos SMART webpage.